dogs serving the community


NGO "Saules suns"
Dogs school "Saules Suns"
T.: 28298049


Make a donation:

Biedrība "Saules Suns"
Reg. LV40008098218
Swedbank AS
  • Facebook: saulessuns
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What to do if you are lost

To enhance your chances of survival, make it easy for the searchers and their canine partners to find you.  If you get lost, STAY PUT.  Your chances of survival increase if you don't wander around.  You can aid the human searchers by placing easily seen colored items at eye height and in open areas which can be spotted from the air.


Family members SHOULD NOT handle belongings owned by the lost person. Once they do, the items are contaminated and cannot be used by a trailing dog.

Establishing priorities if you are lost, especially if you are lost long-term, is one of the first steps to survival.  Basic needs are food, fire, shelter and water.  Shelter is usually required first, but this can depend on where you are and individual circumstances.  An adult can survive for three weeks without food, but only three days without water.  Never wait until you run out of water before you look for more.  Conserve your supplies.   Remember that the human body loses 4-6 pints of water each day.  Loss of liquids through respiration and perspiration increases with work rate and temperature.  This must be replaced by actual water or water contained in food.  You can retain fluids and keep loss to a minimum by avoiding exertion, not smoking, keeping cool, staying in shade, not lying on hot ground, eating as little as possible, breathing through the nose and not drinking any alcohol.

Considering all of the above, always attempt to remain in the area in which you were first "lost" to make it easier for the rescue party and the specially trained canine to locate you.

